12 May Former AAHIVM Technology Award Winner and HIV-Age.org Medical Co-Director Release New Report on High Prevalence of Geriatric Conditions Among HIV Patients Over 50
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Academy of HIV Medicine is proud to announce the release of a new report created by former AAHIVM Technology Award Winner, Dr. Malcolm John, and HIV-Age.org Medical Co-Director, Dr. Meredith Greene. The report is based on the high prevalence of geriatric conditions among HIV patients over 50 years of age.
Older HIV-positive people have a high prevalence of multiple age-related problems, co-first editors Dr. Malcolm John and Dr. Meredith Green reported in the March 29 online edition of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
“This is one of the first studies to have evaluated a wide range of geriatric assessments among HIV-infected individuals in an outpatient clinical setting and provides a comprehensive overview of the health needs faced by the aging HIV-positive population,” wrote the authors.
The research involved people aged 50 years and older receiving outpatient care in San Francisco. Overall, 40% reported difficulties with daily activities, most reported loneliness, many had mild cognitive impairment, and 30% had only poor to fair quality of life.
“We observed a high burden of clinically-concerning deficits in older HIV-infected adults across multiple domains, including functional impairment, falls, depression, and social isolation.”
The abstract can be view in full at http://journals.lww.com.
The American Academy of HIV Medicine is a professional organization that supports the HIV practitioner and promotes accessible, quality care for all Americans living with HIV disease. Our membership of HIV practitioners and credentialed providers give direct care to more than three-fourths of HIV patients in the US.
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Amber McCracken