28 May The American Academy of HIV Medicine Issues Clinical Updates and CE Extension to HIV-Age.org
The Academy is pleased to announce the one-year extension of accredited CME content related to managing the health and wellness of older persons with HIV. Hosted on the HIV-Age.org website, the newly updated clinical information will help health professionals treating people living with HIV as they age to better manage the disease, while also addressing multiple comorbidities and polypharmacy needs. The content, organized by chapter topics, is accredited for physicians, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and, for the first time, nurses through ANCC credits.
Conceived over a decade ago, HIV-Age.org reflected the treatment recommendations of an expert panel of the HIV and Aging Consensus Project, created to address changing principles for managing the health of older adults living with HIV. As an ever-expanding project, HIV-Age-org integrates with the Academy’s Provider Education Center of online, accredited CME activities. HIV-Age.org combines general medical care with geriatric care principles and continues to offer important clinical information for treating the older adult living with HIV.
In 2020, a team including two clinicians, Dr. Meredith Greene and Dr. Jonathan Appelbaum with extensive experience and knowledge of both HIV and geriatrics reviewed a careful assessment of HIV-Age content and updated six chapters with the latest science, research and data. Updates for 2020 include Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cancer, Viral Hepatitis, Drug-Drug Interactions and Polypharmacy, Nutrition, and Depression. Independent specialists in each field reviewed existing summaries and added new and appropriate CME questions.
In the coming months, the Academy will again review HIV-Age.org chapters for update and consider an expansion to include a summary on trauma-informed care for older populations focusing on long-term survivors and survivor guilt.
With the COVID-19 pandemic causing the cancelation of many clinical conferences and in-person medical workshops, online CME activities will be a growing part of continuing education for HIV care providers. The Academy is making every effort to conveniently deliver relevant digital content to our members. All educational offerings are integrated into the Academy’s Provider Education Center, including the HIV Core Curriculum and webinars on various HIV prevention and care topics. In the coming months the Academy will also launch the Primary Care Deep Dive education modules on managing the primary care health needs of people with HIV.
For additional online HIV content, the Academy’s Community Exchange offers clinicians and providers the opportunity to discuss and solicit best practices in HIV treatment and care.
The Academy is here to assist our provider community in providing educational content on topics across the HIV prevention and care spectrum. If there is a topic of interest, email your ideas to education@aahivm.org.
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About the American Academy of HIV Medicine: The American Academy of HIV Medicine is the nation’s leading independent organization of healthcare professionals dedicated to providing excellence in HIV care and prevention. Our membership of practitioners and credentialed providers manage the health of the majority of people with and at risk for HIV in the United States. The Academy’s mission is to ensure health care professionals have the resources needed to provide prevention, treatment and care for those living with or at risk for HIV and related conditions to achieve optimal health.