Washington, DC: In response to the Food and Drug Administration’s recent approval of Apretude (cabotegravir extended-release injectable suspension) for prevention of HIV and the robust pipeline of additional long-acting antiretroviral agents currently under development, the American Academy of HIV Medicine is pleased to announce it has received funding to develop a comprehensive digital resource on the use of long-acting agents for clinicians, pharmacists and patients interested in using these new products. The Academy represents the vast majority of healthcare professionals providing care and prevention services for those with and at-risk for HIV.
Launching in the first half of 2022, the website will contain detailed information about the use of long-acting agents (LAA) for treatment and prevention of HIV including the drug mechanisms and methods of use; a centralized hub of best practices and procedures for procuring and dispensing long-acting agents; information on LAA availability and coverage; information for patients; and information about the pipeline of agents under development.
“Long-acting agents represent the culmination of years of research and offer the ability to simplify HIV treatment and prevention, bring more people into care and reduce stigma,” stated Bruce J. Packett, executive director of the Academy. “However, our members have expressed significant concerns regarding cost, availability, coverage and dispensing. In response, the Academy is pleased to be able to offer this important centralized resource hub designed for the HIV care team and their patients.”
The United States is in a place to end the HIV epidemic thanks to unprecedented advances in HIV treatment and prevention medications. Long-acting agents are going to help get us even closer to that goal by offering excellent clinical results, while also combatting many of the systemic and societal barriers facing people with HIV. Therefore, expediting the emergence of LAAs into the clinical care space is essential.
By developing this website resource, the Academy is helping ensure that doctors, pharmacists, advanced practice providers and the entire HIV care team – along with patients – can take advantage of these new tools with confidence and without any time lost.
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