American Academy of HIV Medicine Launches New Podcast

American Academy of HIV Medicine Launches New Podcast

WASHINGTON, DC: This week, the American Academy of HIV Medicine has launched a new podcast, The Academy Exchange: HIV Today & Tomorrow. This podcast will explore the latest news and advances in HIV prevention, care, and treatment, as well as examine the societal and systemic issues facing people with and at risk for HIV.

The Academy Exchange: HIV Today & Tomorrow is geared toward anyone who wants to learn more about the latest advances in HIV prevention, treatment and care. Hosted by the Academy’s Executive Director, Bruce J. Packett, this podcast series of interviews with clinical, research, epidemiological, public health and advocacy experts will demystify the current HIV landscape and point towards future developments.

The first episode, titled “A New Day for HIV Treatment,” will be released on September 6th and will discuss new and novel antiretroviral therapies including single pill regimens and long-acting injectables. Future episodes will be released biweekly and explore a variety of topics, including “Let’s Talk About PrEP,” and “Women & HIV.” It will feature interviews with top experts in the field including Academy credentialed clinicians Dr. Brooke Stevens, Dr. Carly Floyd, and Dr. William R. Short.

“With over 37 million people with HIV around the world, it is more important than ever to provide accurate information about this epidemic,” said Packett. “We created this podcast because we believe that everyone should have access to accurate information about the latest advances in HIV care and prevention, directly from the experts. We hope this podcast will provide listeners with valuable insights and facilitate meaningful conversations with medical providers who are on the front lines in the fight against the HIV epidemic.”

For more information or to listen to the podcast, visit
