The American Academy of HIV Medicine is the nation’s leading independent organization of health care professionals dedicated to providing excellence in HIV care and prevention. Our membership of practitioners and credentialed clinicians manage the health of the majority of people with and at risk for HIV in the United States.
The Academy’s mission is to ensure health care professionals have the resources needed to provide prevention, treatment and care for those with or at risk for HIV and related conditions to achieve optimal health.
The Academy’s vision is to create an empowered, skilled and robust health care workforce able to intervene at all levels of prevention, care and treatment for those at risk for or living with HIV. Through a focus on overall wellness, we will see a reduction in HIV transmission, an increased quality of life for those living with HIV and, ultimately, an end to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
The Academy will achieve our vision by adhering to our four organizational pillars. These pillars represent our core values and activities.
The Academy’s educational and professional development programs help HIV care providers remain current with HIV’s rapidly evolving treatment and prevention landscape. The Academy’s programs and curricula expand beyond just HIV disease to include clinical issues of primary care and wellness, HCV (and other common co-conditions), overall sexual health, mental health, substance use disorder, and common conditions of an aging population.
The Academy’s credentialing programs promote standards of care as an independent verification of a provider’s knowledge of HIV and HCV care, professional ethics, and overall sexual health competencies. The HIV Specialist™ (“AAHIVS”), HIV Expert™ (“AAHIVE”), and HIV Pharmacist™ (“AAHIVP”) are the only credentials designated specifically for HIV care providers in the United States.
The Academy is the only network of frontline HIV care providers and other clinicians that is inclusive of physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners and pharmacists offering numerous opportunities for peer-to-peer connection.
The Academy leverages the unique perspective and the powerful collective voice of HIV health care providers to address policy issues having impact on HIV care practice, patients with and at risk for HIV, sexual health and HIV prevention and care access and delivery. As an organization, and through strategic partnerships, we focus advocacy efforts on ending the epidemic initiatives, with a clear emphasis on underserved populations, geographic disparities and elimination of structural and intersectional stigma around those with and at risk for HIV.