Background on Connecticut Insurance Exchange

Connecticut has a State-run Insurance Exchange (Marketplace)
It is called Access Health Connecticut and is administered by the State of Connecticut.
Information can be found at:
Connecticut has established ConnectiCare as the “benchmark” plan.


The Affordable Care Act law required that a State Insurance Exchange (Marketplace) be formed in each state to allow individuals and small business without health insurance to purchase it.
The ACA allowed states the option of forming their own exchange, allowing the federal government to form it, or creating a federal-state partnership.
In states that have a State-run exchange, like Connecticut, a single health plan was designated to serve as a benchmark for all other plans offered in the state. This plan serves as the standard health plan to determineEssential Health Benefits (EHBs) for all plans in the Exchange.
Below is additional information about the process by which Connecticut made these determinations.


Beginning in March 2012, advisory committees have assisted in Exchange policy development and evaluation of health plan benefits and qualifications, consumer experience and outreach, and other areas.