About the CAG

The Academy Community Advisory Group (CAG) is a diverse collective dedicated to ensuring the educational services and programs developed by the Academy serve healthcare professionals effectively and efficiently, while driving the creation of timely innovative strategies to end HIV.

The CAG will provide strategic guidance on the development of Academy webinars, workshops and web-based programs, including updates to the Fundamentals of HIV Medicine content to ensure providers have the tools to achieve excellence in HIV care and prevention. 

As needed, the CAG will also inform and provide insights into the needs of the range of users (including care recipients of practitioners and credentialed providers) of all Academy programs and services, including but not limited to market opportunities.

Objectives and Role

The objectives of the CAG are to:

  • Provide strategic guidance on the evolution and development of Academy educational programs
  • Provide recommendations for updates to the content of the Fundamentals of HIV Medicine;
  • Provide insights into the needs of a range of Academy program stakeholders; and
  • Advise on existing and future market opportunities, such as those within the various organizations and highlighted/proposed in legislative or policy updates.

The CAG will be a consultative body whose input and recommendations will be considered and used to guide strategic planning for the Academy’s Education Department regarding patient care needs and other timely and relevant issues to serve our membership and affiliate audiences with resources needed to provide prevention, treatment and care for those living with or at risk for HIV and related conditions to achieve optimal health.


The CAG members are individuals who are impacted by or living with HIV and knowledgeable about topics that involve or affect the community at large. It is important that the members represent the depth and breadth of the US and thus the representatives will be able to provide the perspective of its various constituent groups. Generally, this will include all genders including non-binary, LGBTQ+ and straight people, and members from each of the ethnic/racial groups prioritized in the EHE initiative.

The CAG will be comprised of 10 to 12 members.

Membership from the following sectors should be represented on the Community Advisory Group:

  • HIV/AIDS prevention organizations
  • City/county public health departments
  • LGBTQ+ community centers
  • College or university students
  • Various communities of colors
  • LGBTQ+ business leaders: especially bar owners/managers
  • LGBTQ+ Faith Leaders
  • Community-dwelling older adults
  • Communities at risk (IVU/IVDU, sex employee/worker, etc.)

Participant Commitment

The CAG will meet quarterly via zoom, with one live meeting in conjunction with a major HIV/EHE advocacy summit or conference. CAG members will serve two-year terms, but members can resign at any time.

Application Process

If you would like to serve on the Academy Community Advisory Group, please complete the application below before 4/15/2022.

Interviews will be conducted on 4/18 and 4/19 via zoom.