Statement on Policy on Managing Conflicts of Interest

On behalf of the HIV community, the American Academy of HIV Medicine advances policies and advocates on positions developed by members of the Public Policy Committee, a subcommittee comprised of Academy members who are medical providers working in HIV. Consensus statements developed by the Public Policy Committee are adopted by the board and represent the breadth of the HIV care community. Selection to the board of directors comes through the Academy’s dues paying membership network of 15 chapters and other committees representing physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists in the United States working across the HIV prevention and treatment spectrum. The Academy also represents the credentialed medical providers who pass an independent examination certifying them as an HIV Specialist™, HIV Expert™ or HIV Pharmacist™. Combined, the Academy’s dues paying members and credentialed medical providers represent nearly three-quarters of prescribing medical providers who treat HIV in the United States. Membership dues and credentialing fees represent approximately one-quarter of the Academy’s annual budget. Our Board of Directors disclose conflicts of interest upon joining the board and then update them annually and as needed.

The Academy accepts funding from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries that support specific continuing medical education programming that is not contingent upon our championing or supporting any specific products, policies or positions. In accordance with the Sunshine Act, the Academy’s educational activities do not include transfers of value to attending medical providers and all faculty and contributors to educational programming activities are required to sign annual conflict of interest forms disclosing individual relationships with industry partners. Faculty and contributors to educational programming activities are required to complete annual W-9s and report income on their annual tax returns.

The Academy also accepts industry funding to support the Corporate and Scientific Advisory Board. The CSAB was formed in 2008 and comprises senior scientific and medical officers from pharmaceutical, biotech, and diagnostic companies to ensure that Academy members have the most up-to-date scientific and pharmaceutical information on current and developing HIV treatment options. Industry funding for the CSAB is not contingent upon advocacy activities for specific polices or positions.

The Academy’s Credentialing program is an independent initiative fully funded by registration fees. Expert medical providers working in the field help develop the program and respective examinations and may also be asked to disclose conflicts of interest. Industry employees may receive CME credits via our Fundamentals of HIV Medicine textbook, given they pay the full market price. Similarly, industry employees may sit for the respective credentialing examination of their profession and publicly use the awarded credential provided they independently meet all program requirements.

The Academy also pursues other sources of funding including programmatic grants from the U.S. government, foundations, and other non-profits and strives to execute these grants in a neutral, independent manner. In the event that a conflict of interest may arise, the Academy will disclose revenue considerations and determinations about program activities in an effort to maintain the organization’s ability to implement program activities independently and with integrity.

The Academy requires staff to disclose any outside income and encourages staff to donate income honoraria from industry to the organization to avoid further conflicts of interest or potential perceptions of conflicts. Members of the board of directors execute fiduciary oversight of the Academy’s work and are responsible for making decisions to ensure the organization remains free from embarrassment or criticism that could arise from potential conflict, and must complete the Conflict of Interest form annually. Any medical providers substantially employed by pharmaceutical or industry manufacturers may not serve on the Board of Directors, Fundamentals textbook editorial teams, or committees of jurisdiction, such as the Public Policy Committee, Education Committee or Executive Committee.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest


Laura Armas-Kolostroubis – Consulting Fees: Gilead Sciences, Viiv Healthcare, Theratechnologies

Jonathan Appelbaum – Consulting Fees: Merck, Viiv Healthcare, Theratechnologies

Kathy Brown – Nothing to disclose

Carolyn Chu – Nothing to disclose

Michelle Collins-Ogle – Nothing to disclose

Eric Farmer – Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Viiv Healthcare

Michael Fingerhood – Nothing to disclose

Majorie Golden – Consulting Fees: Iterum Pharmaceuticals

Claudia Goulston – Nothing to disclose

David Hardy – Consulting Fees: Gilead Sciences, Merck, Viiv/GSK, Enochian Biosciences

Tracy Hicks – Nothing to disclose

Angela Kapalko – Consulting Fees: Theratechnologies; Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Gilead Sciences, Viiv Healthcare

Susana Keeshin – Consulting Fees: Viiv Healthcare

Jeffery T. Kirchner – Nothing to disclose

Joseph P. McGowan – Nothing to disclose

Milena Murray – Consulting Fees: Viiv Healthcare, Janssen; Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Merck, Gilead Sciences

Christian B. Ramers – Consulting Fees: Gilead Sciences, AbbVie, Viiv Healthcare; Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Gilead Sciences, AbbVie, Viiv Healthcare, Merck; Contracted Research: Gilead Sciences

David Rubin – Consulting Fees: Viiv Healthcare

Michelle Sariev – Nothing to disclose

William Short – Consulting Fees: Viiv Healthcare; Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Viiv Healthcare, Janssen

Vilmary Sierra – Nothing to disclose

James Sosman – Consulting Fees: Theratechnologies

Gary Spinner – Consulting Fees: Gilead Sciences; Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Gilead Sciences; Ownership interest less than 5%: Gilead Sciences (and spouse)

Donna E. Sweet – Consulting Fees: Viiv Healthcare, Janssen, Merck; Contracted Research: CytoDyn, GlaxoSmithKline

Wesley Thompson – Consulting Fees and Fees for Non-CME/ED Services Received Directly from a Commercial interest or their Agents: Gilead Sciences, Viiv Healthcare, Janssen