The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM), the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and the AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA) released the first clinical treatment strategies for managing older HIV patients: The HIV and Aging Consensus Project: Recommended Treatment Strategies for Clinicians Managing Older Patients with HIV in the fall of 2011. It is now housed on the go-to site for HIV and Aging, Please visit this interactive site for the most up-to-date information for this important topic.
If there is one constant in the field of HIV medicine, it is that of constant change. The science of HIV is an ever changing landscape of new research findings, new medications with new targets and also new side effects. In addition to new populations affected by the epidemic, as the elderly, there is the ever demanding goal of seeking an actual cure for HIV disease.
The authors of the HIV & Aging Recommendations were acutely aware of this fact. In the brief time from the publishing of the document in the fall of 2011 until now, there are many additions, updating of information and re-writes to be completed to keep the document vibrant and relevant.
In anticipation of this reality both the planning committee and expert panel suggested that to keep the recommendations a “living document” that a HIV & Aging Blog be established where a healthy, vibrant dialogue among practitioners, and others could be held. Suggestions for changes to the document would come from those practitioners currently treating elderly HIV patients.
The Expert Panel members and other participants in the HIV & Aging Consensus Project also invite you to join in on this interactive HIV-Age blog to become actively involved in advancing the knowledge and communication in this area of medical uncertainty.
This report is part of the Academy’s HIV and Aging Consensus Project, developed to assess how the presence of both HIV and common age-associated diseases, alter the optimal treatment of HIV as well as other co-morbidities. The purpose of this report is to provide best practice guidance for HIV practitioners and other health care providers who treat, diagnose and refer older patients with HIV disease.