The American Academy of HIV Medicine has partnered with Conrad & Associates for a new public health education program entitled, Living with HIV: Protecting Yourself and Your Partners. This program includes a newly published booklet with accompanying video geared towards HIV positive individuals and those at risk of becoming infected. AAHIVM has also partnered with the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church for extensive distribution within the African American population.

The 18-minute video, Living with HIV: Protecting Yourself and Your Partners, features stories from HIV patients with expert clinical commentary by AAHIVM Board member and HIV Specialist, Dr. David Hardy. AAHIVM also collaborated with Jason Collins – retired pro basketball player and first openly gay male athlete in a major US team sport – to offer his guidance in the video.

The new brochure describes why getting tested for HIV should be a regular part of health care, and about ways to protect yourself and others if you are HIV positive. The booklet and video teach HIV basics, how HIV can be successfully managed and how to protect yourself and others from the virus.

Living with HIV: Protecting Yourself and Your Partners was funded by a grant from ViiV Healthcare.

If you are interested in obtaining free hard copies of the brochure in bulk, please contact Ericka Nanalig at