January 25, 2023

Academy Submits Comments Supporting USPSTF Grading of PrEP 

Readers will recall that in December, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released its draft recommendation on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), recommending an “A” grade for oral and long-acting injectable PrEP. Readers will also recall that an A grade means that plans and issuers must cover PrEP without cost sharing for the client – a necessary component of improved access to the medication.

The Academy joined other HIV-related organizations in calling on the USPSTF to expeditiously update the PrEP grade to also include long-acting agents. While there are still coverage barriers resulting from insurer and laboratory noncompliance, final recommendations of an A grade would be truly consequential for all those vulnerable to HIV or those who simply wish to utilize PrEP for extra protection. The USPSTF has rightfully recognized the importance of PrEP, particularly as there is no cure for HIV.

The Academy submitted comments in support of preserving the A Grade in the final recommendation, while also requesting that the USPSTF streamline future review by extending this grade to any modality that effectively prevents HIV. Precious time is lost while the USPSTF does its review, making it harder for those in need to access the medication without cost-sharing. The comments can be viewed here. The Academy also joined a larger coalition of HIV organizations in urging the USPSTF to preserve the A Grade recommendation, and those comments can be viewed here.

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