March 10, 2022

Final FY’22 Budget Bill Finally Unveiled

This morning, the House released a final omnibus Fiscal Year 2022 budget bill to replace the current Continuing Resolution (CR). Readers will recall that a CR means Congress avoids a government shutdown, but that no new money proposed in the President’s budget or by either chamber gets distributed. Unfortunately, after months of touting unprecedented investments in HIV prevention, treatment, and care both by the White House and the House of Representatives, the budget numbers that came out today were modest at best. Readers may also recall that because of the recent kerfuffle about harm reduction funding, this budget includes the syringe rider which once again bars the use of federal funds for purchase of syringes, while allowing programs to receive funds. It also leaves a similar ban in place that only covers Washington, DC. A few line items that Academy members will most care about include:

  • $70 million increase for HIV testing, prevention, treatment and research, compared to the $245 proposed by the President and House
  • $450 million for Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, compared to $700 million
    • $20 million increase for HIV prevention within CDC, compared to $100+ million
    • $20 million increase for the Ryan White program, compared to $85+ million
    • $20 million increase for Community Health Centers & PrEP, compared to $50+ million
    • No increase for Indian Health Service, compared to $27 million previously requested
  • $51 million increase for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, which is $95 million less than the amount passed by the House

This budget, once signed into law, will keep the government open through September 30. While these numbers are disappointing, the President will soon unveil his FY’2023 budget and negotiations will begin anew. The Academy has already requested the White House add additional funding for a national PrEP program as well as increased funding for HIV testing, treatment, care and research funding across the board.

View the latest Policy Update here.