May 3, 2023
Biden Administration Requests Stay in Braidwood Case
Last week, the Biden Administration filed another motion for a partial stay in the Braidwood case, this time requesting the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to temporarily block the lower court ruling from going into effect. The government requested that the appellate court issue a ruling on the motion by May 18.
Advocacy Opportunity:As the case works its way through the courts, the Academy has been engaging members around a values statement that represents our position in response to these attacks on PrEP access, the patient-provider relationship, and LGBTQ equality. This consensus statement will be the cornerstone of the Academy’s advocacy around this case and will allow us to elevate the richness and diversity of our Academy membership. By highlighting the work each of you does every day, we can push back against this case’s erroneous claims about PrEP and the people who utilize this important medication.
We invite each of you to sign onto the Braidwood Consensus Statement simply by adding your name, degrees, and organizational affiliation (if you’re comfortable doing so) at this link.
View the latest Policy Update here.