December 14, 2022

USPSTF Releases Updated Draft Recommendations on PrEP

This week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released its draft recommendation on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), recommending an “A” grade for oral and long-acting injectable PrEP. Readers will recall that an A grade means that plans and issuers must cover PrEP without cost sharing, a necessary component of improved access to the medication.

Readers will also recall that the Academy joined other HIV-related organizations in calling on the USPSTF to expeditiously update the PrEP grade to also include long-acting agents. While there are still coverage barriers resulting from insurer and laboratory non-compliance, final recommendations of an A grade would be truly consequential for all those vulnerable to HIV or those who simply wish to utilize PrEP for extra protection. The USPSTF has rightfully recognized the importance of PrEP, particularly as there is no cure for HIV.

The USPSTF is requesting public comment on the draft recommendation, and we encourage all Academy members to submit comment. This period is open from December 13, 2022, through January 17, 2023. More information can be found here.

View the latest Policy Update here.